
the real heroes of vm fitline
are our amazing clients

Want to know if this is right for you? The proof is in the results. Not only have we helped these clients succeed, we have helped countless others who were exactly where you are today. We will take the time to learn about your current struggles and your goals and formulate a plan to get you where you want to be.

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We strive to provide you with the information and knowledge you need to continue on your fitness journey for a lifetime.

“I am living my best life and Andria and Greg have helped me do that”


“I have been working out with Andria and Greg for 6 weeks now. I have always worked out but have never worked out like this before. They have shown me that I am able to do more than I realized. After my first class I felt old and out of shape and pretty much deflated. Most of the class is half my age and in better shape. I have finally realized that I didn’t need to try and keep up with them – I can just go at my own pace. After these six weeks I feel so much better about myself and more confident. Sure I would love to say I have lost a ton of weight after the six weeks, but I haven’t but what I have gained is confidence and muscle. As I get older it’s even more important to build muscle. I am living my best life and Andria and Greg have helped me do that. I wanted to quit so many times, but now I look forward to my workouts every week!”

Patty - Female 50s


“They make sure my form is good and they push me to work harder when I need it.”

“When I began working with Andria and Greg years ago at their home gym I was also trying to attend a local gym as well. I was a bit intimidated in the local gym. I just didn't know what to do. I felt more comfortable being with Andria and Greg. I wasn't on the same level as some in the class yet it was ok. They provided different ways for me to work toward achieving my goals. They make sure my form is good and they push me to work harder when I need it. They create an inspiring environment for their group classes. I also love that we have an app to do home exercises and log our foods. 

Bev - Female 40s

“Not only are they amazing in person, but they have created a phone app that is super simple to use.”


"I didn’t start my fitness journey with VM Fitline, but they are the inspiration and motivation that gives me the drive to continually hold myself to a high standard and chase my goals. I’ve never had such personable training sessions that always challenge and teach me proper form to incorporate into my regular routine. I love the push and nutritional guidance provided by VM Fitline because it truly makes living a healthy lifestyle THE ONLY option. I always feel supported and couldn’t recommend them more to anyone that wants to live their best life, ESPECIALLY to those just starting out! Not only are they amazing in person, but they have created a phone app that is super simple to use. It provides personalized workouts, reminders, and instructional videos for every exercise (amongst a ton of other stuff) – it is definitely something that will keep you accountable and on track!

Anela - Female 20s

“After three months I reached my goal weight, gained muscle, and felt fantastic. 


"I reached out to Andria and Greg for help after being stuck and complacent in my current routine for almost a year. Over the years I had grown approximately 25 lbs heavier and over what I considered my "Normal" weight, even though I was "Exercising" multiple times a week. Quickly after reaching out and discussing my goals Andria and Greg tailored a meal plan and exercise program to me, which was an absolute game changer. I was worried that in order to lose the weight I would have to starve myself, but it was the complete opposite. Physically I always felt full, content and energized for my workouts. Mentally, I gained my confidence in myself and in the gym and again because I knew what I was about to do was going to be beneficial. I have been able to practice and use the things they taught me to continue my healthy lifestyle into the present day.

Jeff - Male 30s

watch casey talk about her vm fitline journey

When Casey came to us she had recently had her third child. Casey was lacking confidence in how to workout and eat right and feeling very frustrated! We were able to put her mind at ease and get her back on track and give her the knowledge she needed to stay on track with her fitness and nutrition goals for the indefinite future! 

 “I can not believe that I look and feel better in my late 30s then I ever did in my teens and 20s.”

I can’t say enough about how life changing working with Greg and Andria at VM Fitline has been. I met them in 2015 when I was trying to get back in shape after being pregnant. I was dealing with postpartum depression at the time and had no self confidence. Going to their classes not only taught me a new way to challenge my body but also gave me a support group of other classmates. Greg and Andria are very motivating, non judgmental and will give you tools to help meet your goals. Six years later I’m still a happy client and Greg and Andria have become two of my closest friends.

Elizabeth- Female 30s

“I have been a marathon runner for 30 years and never really thought about strength training.”

I have had the pleasure of learning how to work muscle groups and use all sorts of weights. The difference it's made in my life is so life changing that I can't think of any reason to not go to class. Even when my mind said I can't Greg and Andria said I can and I did. I can't thank them enough for the knowledge they have on how to stay healthy and fit. Thank you so much. 

Christina - Female 50s

frequently asked questions

How much time do I have to devote to working out?

Your time is valuable. We get it. For that reason, we design your plan based on the time you have and strive to help you make the most use out of your time. We have many clients that began with only two - three workouts a week and saw success. 

Will I have to learn how to calculate macros and keep track of all my calories?

When you log your food into the app it does all the calculations for you. So you and your trainer will be able to see exactly how you are fueling your body and your trainer will be able to easily make adjustments for you based on your goals and progress. In short you DO NOT have to calculate macros or calories we do it for you! 

What if I become sick or injured and can’t workout during the 12 weeks?

Stay in contact with your trainer and we will make adjustments to your plan as needed. 

I don’t have any experience working out. How will I know what to do?

Each exercise in the app has a video you can watch that shows you how to complete the exercise with proper form. You can also reach out to your trainer with any questions via the chat option in the App. 

How much should I communicate with my trainer?

There are no limits on how often you can communicate with your trainer. You can communicate with us via the chat function in the VM Fitline App or via email. If you choose not to communicate often, we will still be able to track your progress effortlessly when you log your meals, workouts, progress pictures, and measurements.  

Who will I be working with?

We are a team so you get the benefit of both of us working on your plan together. We both have access to all the clients and both are able to track your progress. So you are essentially getting two trainers for the price of one! 

Do I have to use your app?

You do not have to use our app to work with us. Many of our clients prefer to receive their workouts and nutrition plan via email. If you do not have a smartphone or simply prefer the old fashion way, we offer all the customized plans via email. Contact us now to begin the process!

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How long will it take to get my customized plan?

We begin working on your plan as soon as we receive your completed forms via the VM Fitline App. You should receive your customized plan within 7-10 days.

What is the next step after purchasing a customized plan?

When you purchase a plan, follow the prompts to download the VM Fitline App and complete all required forms. We will reach out to you within 48 hours to obtain some more information and begin designing your program. We will make sure you have completed all required forms, waivers, and questionnaires and review your answers carefully. If you purchased a nutrition plan, we will also ask you to complete a food log for a few days and then submit it to us so we can accurately assess where you are starting with your nutrition. 

What if I purchased a plan but have not received confirmation of VM Fitline App access within 48 hours?

Be sure to check your spam, promotions, or updates folders. Sometimes emails from us and our app provider MyPthub end up in those folders.  

Do you offer personal counseling?

We do not offer specialized psychological counseling, however we can offer coaching in behavioral changes and lifestyle changes to help make the process of staying fit and well easier for you!

What if I have a medical condition?

We ask that you accurately document any and all medical conditions in the forms section that you are required to fill out when purchasing a package. We will review the forms and determine if your condition is one that is within our scope. We may ask for you to speak with a medical doctor to clear you for physical activity if there are any reasons for us to be concerned with your well-being when starting a program. 

Are the plans refundable?

 No, unfortunately we cannot offer refunds because you could easily save the information we provide you for later use. We can say we have never had a client ask for a refund. If you are following your plans and not seeing the results you desired we will continue to work with you until you do! We stand behind our name and our product. 

How long will it take to get my customized plan?

We begin working on your plan as soon as we receive your completed forms via the VM Fitline App. You should receive your customized plan within 7-10 days.

What is the next step after purchasing a customized plan?

When you purchase a plan, follow the prompts to download the VM Fitline App and complete all required forms. We will reach out to you within 48 hours to obtain some more information and begin designing your program. We will make sure you have completed all required forms, waivers, and questionnaires and review your answers carefully. If you purchased a nutrition plan, we will also ask you to complete a food log for a few days and then submit it to us so we can accurately assess where you are starting with your nutrition. 

What if I purchased a plan but have not received confirmation of VM Fitline App access within 48 hours?

Be sure to check your spam, promotions, or updates folders. Sometimes emails from us and our app provider MyPthub end up in those folders.  

Do you offer personal counseling?

We do not offer specialized psychological counseling, however we can offer coaching in behavioral changes and lifestyle changes to help make the process of staying fit and well easier for you!

What if I have a medical condition?

We ask that you accurately document any and all medical conditions in the forms section that you are required to fill out when purchasing a package. We will review the forms and determine if your condition is one that is within our scope. We may ask for you to speak with a medical doctor to clear you for physical activity if there are any reasons for us to be concerned with your well-being when starting a program. 

Are the plans refundable?

 No, unfortunately we cannot offer refunds because you could easily save the information we provide you for later use. We can say we have never had a client ask for a refund. If you are following your plans and not seeing the results you desired we will continue to work with you until you do! We stand behind our name and our product. 

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finding fitness with cerebral palsy

We worked with Tiffany for several years. She started out with us unable to walk down stairs and she had very limited mobility due to her cerebral palsy. When she left us she had completed two 5ks and had lost a considerable amount of body fat! Tiffany continued on her fitness journey at a local Crossfit gym. We were very proud to be there when she first started and to have coached her until she met her goals!

read tiffany's story



there's no better time than now

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