Hey, welcome back! Today, I am addressing Part 2 of: Should I do Sprint/Interval Training (SIT)? If you did not get a chance to read Part 1 you can read it here: In Part 2, I will address the question: Does doing SIT really make a difference if I only do as few as 5 […]
Many of you know that we started a 30 day sprint challenge this week. Some of you are probably thinking should I do sprints/interval training or even attempt this 30 day sprint challenge? Greg and I periodically do this challenge throughout the year. The challenge entails doing 5 sprints, of any kind, every day, for […]
Get Comfortable with uncomfortable. Easier said than done I know! Being uncomfortable manifests itself in many ways doesn’t it? For example, feeling of uncertainty. Feelings of I am doing this right? Feelings of nervousness and anxiousness. ANd physically- with butterflies in the stomach, pounding heart, sweaty palms, physical pain, inability to catch our breath, lumps […]
Recovering from an injury or recovering from an illness such as covid is a great reason to change up your workout routine rather than just giving up completely. YOU can still get in good training when you are recovering from an injury or illness! Training when recovering from an injury or illness – Hernia Surgery! […]
It is Thanksgiving eve and while many of you are running around buying and preparing all the things for the Thanksgiving meal, some of you may be having some real anxiety about the holiday. I get it. Food and food choices are the source of a lot of anxiety for a lot of people who […]
DO you have a BIG HILL in your life that you love to hate? One that is “Your Hill” How often do you find yourself trying to Conquer your Hill? I have a big hill and I find myself conquering it often! It is a long steep hill at the entry to my subdivision. Some […]